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A member registered May 28, 2018

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Is there a way to reset the skill tree if an event happens (lets say showing of skills you can have at the beginning of the game) or lets you repeatedly get a skill (lets say a rare skill that lets you gain more of a 'resistance' or less damage every time you find the resources for this skill and of course spend the resourse on the skill)?

(1 edit)

Thank you for listening! although maybe have it at different tiers of bribes like 10 heat for Stray dog and $1,000, Soldier is 30 (or 40) heat for $10,000. you lose access to lower tiers as your infamy raises or not and you might gain heat/arrested if you bribe to take 10 heat away even though you have 50 heat or more. And maybe add a chance to have been caught killing the enemy family member and you have to pay for "forgiveness" while your heat rises constantly until you pay. If you get over 100 (or whatever higher number) the police will start making attacks against you lowering your health (double if you haven't paid yet the other family yet) though to balance this your power and xp get a significant boost when you kill a family member of an enemy family again it goes by tiers by your rank and the difficulty gets higher but so do the rewards.

*edit* killing and getting caught killing still give rewards but one is free and the other you have to pay for.

maybe add a bribe feature to lower heat it should be expensive but worth it if you have many properties.